Saturday 16 November 2013

Caturday off work, syn free noms and outdoor skating.

Oh happy Caturday when it's an extra off work type.  The only perk to a week in a building site.

Having a lie in is always a treat, getting up just long enough to make a syn free sweet treat breakfast to eat in bed...utterly worth it.
Icing on the cake (or sweetener on the syn free pancakes in this case) was cinnamon sweetener.
Easy to make, just fill a tub with sweetener and stir in ground cinnamon until you're happy with the flavour and seal up to use when you need it. Ta-da! Great in coffee, baking, sprinkled on fruit...anything goes! 

Spent my morning enjoying a bit of a Bambi about in my skates, trying to get to grips with side surfing.
I can manage this at a slow pace leading with my left leg, but with my right I just want to T-stop.  Argh!

And yes, silver disco jeans.  Well, why not?

The afternoon was a bit of an adventure.
Set off for the Comber Greenway with Emmarghhhage.

I'm not an outdoor skater so I really didn't know what to expect.  Aside from pretty grim road crossing it was awesome.

I managed to cross 7of8 of the roads on skates.  One was a pretty big road so I whipped my skates off and crossed in sock soles.  I'm sure drivers were amused.

Can't wait to do it again the next dry day we have.

One knee fall (to stop me trundling down a hill and face first into a road) saw a toe guard get shredded, so I frankensteined some new ones with scrap leather and tattoo fabric.

Tonight I'm snuggled up with a low syn dinner (peppered fish with vegetable and rice stir fry) and watching The A,B,C's of Death.

Kitty x

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