Monday 18 November 2013

Yoga and week 4 fresh meat.

Sunday isn't quite a day of relaxing, it's a day of morning yoga and afternoon skating.

I ways look forwards to Sunday yoga as the class runs for 1.5 hours instead of the usual 1 hour, it's a bit different and involves a lovely long relaxation at the end.

This week we were doing the plough pose.  This was the first time I've done it and I loved it.

We didn't use mats or blocks to raise us up but we did do some free form leg bendy times from this pose that was a whole lot of fun.

After lunch I then headed for week 4 of Belfast Roller Derby fresh meat.

Kitted up for 3pm we started off skates, jogging and skills in our pads and shoes. Jogging is not my strong point but at least I didn't collapse 😂

We were reviewing things we've been learning.  Backwards sticky skating, the Matrix (aka leaning side to side and backwards on skates), single foot glides, falls and plow stops.  10minutes of hell continues to be one of my favourite drills, mostly because I actually know what's going on for once.

Then the new bit, T-stops.
Ok, I'm fairly capable of a t-stop using my right foot behind me, not so much the left

Another thing to work on I suppose.

I did give my industrial garter belt from Sock Dreams a road test at practice.  It's what ice hockey players use to keep their long socks up over tights, I tried it with thigh high Lip Service socks over leggings.

It worked ok.  I did have to re-clip the back right leg a couple of times but no drama and my socks did stay high. 
Very happy about it.  

Now it's Monday, my back is achey and I'm headachey.
So bed with lovely syn free homemade vegetable broth and series 2 Bedlam to view after a fun weekend.

Kitty x

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